Welcome to the traditional Latin Mass, and to the unchanged Catholic Faith. The priests and parishioners of Holy Redeemer Chapel reject the changes of Vatican II. We wish to preserve the Roman Catholic Faith by maintaining everything that was taught and done by the Church prior to Vatican II. In order to receive the sacraments here, it is therefore necessary that you attend exclusively the traditional Latin Mass and avoid the new Mass and reformed sacraments. We also invite you to take our booklet entitled The Traditional Latin Mass, which is very informative. We encourage you to visit our bookstore for some additional reading and information concerning the present crisis in the Church.
If you wish to make an appointment with the priest, please call the rectory at (206) 299-1522. Baptisms are by appointment. At least one of the Parents & Godparents must be practicing Catholics in good standing who reject the changes of Vatican II. If you are contemplating Matrimony, catechism instructions may be needed; depending on the case, you may need to contact the priest as early as one year in advance of your wedding. When making arrangements for funerals, please contact the priest before contacting the funeral director. In reference to Extreme Unction and sick calls, please do not put off making arrangements until the last moment. Let us know if a member of the Chapel is sick, hospitalized or in danger of death.
Building Fund: A 2nd Collection is taken on the First & Third Sundays of each month. This Special Collection will go toward remodeling and building expenses.
Six day vigil candle: Envelopes are available in the vestibule.
St. Lawrence Poor Box: Donations will help the poor and needy. “He who gives to the poor suffers no want, but he who ignores them shall suffer indigence.” (Prov. 28:27)
Registration at Holy Redeemer Chapel: If you intend to attend Holy Redeemer Chapel regularly, please complete the Registration Card in the vestibule.
Let nothing disturb you,
Let nothing frighten you,
All things will pass away.
God never changes;
Patience obtains all things,
Whoever has God lacks nothing.
God alone suffices. Amen.
St. Teresa of Avila
FOR MEN - A shirt and tie, with either suit coat, jacket or sweater, and dress shoes on Sundays and holy days of obligation. No earrings.
FOR LADIES - A dress or skirt is required; no pants. The skirt must at least cover the knee, and should not be tight or otherwise revealing in any way. Immodest slits are forbidden. Clothing should be loose and not form-fitting. A head covering is also required. See-through blouses are forbidden, as well as clothing which is low-cut.
FOR EVERYONE - No tennis shoes, sandals or denim to include weekdays. The standards of Catholic modesty must be observed. ​
Confession Schedule: Sundays and Holy days, 30 minutes before Mass. Saturdays after Mass.
Blessing of Religious Articles: Every First Sunday of the month at the communion rail.
Mass Intentions: For your Mass requests there are Mass Intention envelopes available in the vestibule.
Holy Rosary Chain: The Holy Rosary is recited before Mass on Sunday for the intentions of the parish. If you wish to include your special intentions or needs, please submit them to Father.
Adults Doctrinal Talks: On the last Sunday of each month after the 2nd Mass. All are welcomed.
Purgatory League: Holy Mass & prayers for our deceased parishioners are offered on the First Sunday of each month. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

“Progress” of dogmas is, in reality, nothing but corruption of dogmas … I absolutely reject the heretical doctrine of the evolution of dogma, as passing from one meaning to another, and different from the sense in which the Church originally held it.
Pope Pius X